
How To Repair Aluminum Home Windows

Whether your window's latch won't catch or it slides awkwardly, we'll help you lot troubleshoot (and fix!) common sliding window problems.

Most sliding (also called gliding) windows have ane or more sashes that slide along metal tracks at the lesser and meridian of the frame. Sometimes the tracks are wood or vinyl, while sashes may accept nylon rollers on the bottom and top.

When a sliding window gets stuck, the almost common problem is a dirty bottom track. The solution is to make clean and lubricate the rails. The rollers on the bottom of the sash tin pick upwardly dust and may need to be cleaned besides.

A catch, which secures the window when closed, can also fail. You may be able to bend a small role to make it piece of work, but often the solution is to replace the catch. Finding replacement parts can be difficult, so if you can find the make and model of the unit, you may exist able to contact the manufacturer or an online parts supply source to obtain the parts you need.

Virtually sliding window repairs won't have very long—ane or 2 hours, tops. The exact tools you lot'll need vary by the project, but it's a expert thought to have basic home repair items—like a screwdriver, pliers, and hammer—on paw.

How to Prepare a Rough-Gliding Slider

Pace one: Remove Sliding Sash


To remove a sliding sash, remove whatsoever security devices that may be holding it in identify. Lift the sash into the height rails, tilt the bottom out, and remove the window. With some models yous need to align the rollers with notches in the lesser rails earlier the sash volition tilt out.

Footstep 2: Clean the Rails


Vacuum the track, so clean with a solvent-dampened rag. Keep to clean until all the debris is removed.

Step 3: Remove Bottom Roller


If the bottom roller (or glide) does non roll, try cleaning it. If it still does not operate, remove it. On a woods sash you can unscrew the roller unit of measurement and remove it. For some metallic units you may have to showtime disassemble the bottom rail. Knock the pieces apart using a hammer and a block of wood.

Step 4: Add a New Roller Unit


Skid a new roller unit in and tighten the mounting screws. If yous had to dismantle the window, reinstall the bottom rail.

Stride 5: Replace the Window


When replacing the window it often helps to ease the rollers over the lip of the track with a putty knife.

How to Gear up a Bent Track


To straighten a bent track, place a piece of hardwood against it and tap with a hammer. If that doesn't work yous can endeavour using pliers, just work advisedly and so yous don't create a series of small kinks.

How to Prepare a Broken Latch


If a latch doesn't grab, first bank check for an obstacle in the tracks that may go on the sash from closing fully. Inspect the weatherstripping, which can wad up and make closing hard. You may be able to adjust the latch past loosening a screw, moving the latch, and retightening the spiral. If information technology still doesn't work, supplant it.

How to Prepare a Rattling Window


For quick repair to seal the unit for the winter, push tubular insulation into the channels. If you can observe replacement insulation for your blazon of window, remove the quondam ane and clean the surface with a solvent-soaked rag. Use a slightly thicker insulation if needed to create a good seal. Replace the cover, reinstall the sliding sash, and test.

How to Burglar-Proof a Window


A security bar firmly secures a sliding window so it can't be opened from the exterior. Some models swing down to secure the sash (above) and can be adjusted to permit a slight opening for ventilation. Quick-open up security clips (in a higher place) allow you to open a sliding window with relative ease.

How To Repair Aluminum Home Windows,


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